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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Email From Sarah Palin

Just received this email from Sarah Palin.

Dear Supporter,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for joining SarahPAC. What a week it has been! Thanks to supporters like you we have had a fabulous start.

I want you to know that I have been truly touched by your notes of support and encouragement and look forward to working with you all in the future to advance our shared ideas and goals. These are just a few of the touching notes I've received from you:

Don from Juneau, AK: "I joined the PAC, and I'm willing to help in any way I can. I firmly believe you are exactly what this country needs, more so now than ever. Go Sarah!"

Cindy from St. Louis, MO: "My husband and I signed up for the PAC this morning. We are thrilled and behind you 100%! We will help any way we can."

Dee from Nashville, TN: "Be courageous! Be strong! Be bold! Don't quit. Thanks for all you've done, there are many of us praying for you daily!"

As a nation, we face serious challenges ahead. Our country is far too dependent on foreign sources of energy. Greed and corruption have broken the public's faith in our economic system.

By speaking out, proposing new policies, and working together, I believe we can ensure that America's best days are ahead of us. And this is what we will accomplish together through SarahPAC.

That is why I hope you will continue to support SarahPAC by encouraging your friends, family, and colleagues to visit our website, www.SarahPAC.com to sign up for updates. With your help, I'll be able to speak out. And you know I will speak for you.

Please stay tuned for more information and updates- I'll be in touch with you soon about more ways to help our PAC.

With an Alaskan heart,


P.S. I'm counting on you to spread the word to your friends about SarahPAC. Please tell them to sign up for email updates at www.SarahPAC.com and visit my official Facebook page to share your thoughts and comments. Thank you!


clearnow1 said...

great blog moshe, keep it up!!!!


clearnow1 said...

send me an email, moshe, so we can communicate, thanks.